A Beacon of Hope
in Your Community

Crisis Management and Disaster Readiness for Churches

Crisis Relief and Recovery
exists to train, prepare, and deploy leaders to serve and restore communities in crisis.

Dave Hearn - Lead Instructor
Iraq Veteran, Security & Risk Management Consultant, Health & Safety Advisor

Your church Force Multiplier

“In military terminology, a Force Multiplier is a tool, a technology or a weapon that dramatically increases the effectiveness of a group or team.  As experienced disaster relief and crisis management professionals, we can multiply your church’s ability to respond to local crisis and to quickly recover from disaster.” 

Your training includes:

Classroom PhotoLatin for “Always Prepared”, we need to put ourselves and our loved ones in an attitude of readiness, awareness, and service.  This mindset will help frame your mental preparation for your leadership team, congregation, or small group.
Classroom PhotoOur training provides the practical skills you will need to survive and thrive in crisis situations.  The goal is to keep ourselves safe, keep our families safe, so that we can keep our communities safe.
Classroom PhotoSo what happens after disaster strikes?  We give you tangible options to assist locally, nationally, and internationally, in partnership with CRR and our team members around the world.  You will also have time to prepare your own family “plan of action.”
Classroom PhotoLong after disaster strikes, the impacts ripple through families and communities.  Help neighborhoods and families in your backyard, across the state, or around the United States with work teams lead by the experts at CRR.  We will discuss how you, your team, or your church can make a direct impact on disaster-struck communities.


(Additional fees apply.)

Includes identifying hazards, evaluating exits, fire prevention, alarm systems, and existing Emergency Action Plans 

Every employer is required to have an Emergency Action Plan for their place of work.  If you have more than 10 employees, it is required to be a written plan.  It must include procedures for reporting emergencies, evacuations, critical employee roles including First Aiders, employee accounting, and responsibilities for implementing the EAP.

Emergency Action Plans are useless if no one knows what they are or how to implement them.  We can provide training on your specific EAP so that your employees, members and visitors are safe.

FREE ebook: 

“SURVIVE: Your First Step on a Journey to Preparedness”

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